Forbici piccole NERE - 40mm (1.6")
Forbici piccole NERE - 40mm (1.6")


Forbici piccole NERE - 40mm (1.6")


Solo 0 rimasto in magazzino


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Forbici multiuso piccole e maneggevoli. In cucina possono essere utilizzati per tagliare erbe aromatiche e altri piccoli oggetti. Fuori dalla cucina, puoi usarle per tagliare nastri, garze, carta, filo, ecc. Le forbici sono affilate su tutta la lunghezza della lama, consentendo quindi un taglio accurato in punti difficili da raggiungere. Le forbici possono essere completamente smontate, facilitando l'affilatura delle lame sulle pietre per affilare.

Specifiche del prodotto:
Materiale : Acciaio ad alto tenore di carbonio, può ottenere patina .
Lunghezza lama: 40 mm (1,6")
Lunghezza totale: 125 mm (4,9")
Colore: nero

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
handy scissor

a very handy small kitchen scissor

Good usability, low quality

I bought 3 scissors (2 for the kitchen, 1 for personal usage).
The blades are sharp but the real problem is the rust.
In the description they write that some time you can get patina (classic japanese knives patina) but the reality is that 2 of 3 pairs got rusted even if we always washed and dried the blades.
Be careful to don’t leave the scissors on bright surfaces (like in my case) to avoid stains impossible to remove.

Hey Alessandro, thank you so much for taking the time to write us a review.

If the blades can get a patina, that means that they can also rust. How fast? That depends on your use and moisture that is left on the blades. Even some ingredients can increase the speed at which the patina will be developed. That doesn't mean that the blade is made out of low quality steel. Some of the best Japanese traditional steels develop patina (or rust, if you don't take good care of them) and are still considered one of the best on the market.

The good news is that the rust can be easily removed. Use a rough sponge and polish the blades until there is no more rust on them. Then apply a thin layer of oil to prevent further oxidation. You can read more about patina here:

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your overall experience with purchasing this item.

All the best,

Mark Brozic

Fantastic little pair of scissors ✂️ ver handy

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
handy scissor

a very handy small kitchen scissor

Good usability, low quality

I bought 3 scissors (2 for the kitchen, 1 for personal usage).
The blades are sharp but the real problem is the rust.
In the description they write that some time you can get patina (classic japanese knives patina) but the reality is that 2 of 3 pairs got rusted even if we always washed and dried the blades.
Be careful to don’t leave the scissors on bright surfaces (like in my case) to avoid stains impossible to remove.

Hey Alessandro, thank you so much for taking the time to write us a review.

If the blades can get a patina, that means that they can also rust. How fast? That depends on your use and moisture that is left on the blades. Even some ingredients can increase the speed at which the patina will be developed. That doesn't mean that the blade is made out of low quality steel. Some of the best Japanese traditional steels develop patina (or rust, if you don't take good care of them) and are still considered one of the best on the market.

The good news is that the rust can be easily removed. Use a rough sponge and polish the blades until there is no more rust on them. Then apply a thin layer of oil to prevent further oxidation. You can read more about patina here:

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve your overall experience with purchasing this item.

All the best,

Mark Brozic

Fantastic little pair of scissors ✂️ ver handy

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