This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.

Jure Gros

Placă de tăiat pentru cereale [Multi-Wood]


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Aceste plăci de tăiat cu cereale (sau blocuri de măcelărie) sunt fabricate manual pentru noi de către lucrătorul local de lemn sloven, J. Gros. Această placă de tăiat frumos lucrată este compusă din diverse tipuri de lemn. Deoarece este realizată complet manual, fiecare placă de tăiat are un model unic ușor diferit.

Cu o suprafață de lucru de aproximativ 39x20 cm (15,3" x 7,8"), are dimensiunea potrivită pentru a se potrivi pe orice blat, fie acasă, fie într-o bucătărie profesională, și este util mai ales atunci când avem o suprafață de lucru limitată.

Este impregnat suplimentar cu ulei mineral natural care poate fi folosit în siguranță în contact cu alimentele. Vă recomandăm întreținerea regulată cu acest ulei, pe care îl puteți achiziționa aici . În acest fel, placa vă poate rezista mulți ani.

Care este toată agitația cu plăcile de tăiat granul final ? Cel mai important, cuțitele tale vor aprecia. În comparație cu plăcile de granulație cu muchie, plăcile de tăiat cu granul de capăt sunt mai blânde cu muchia cuțitului, ceea ce înseamnă că cuțitul va rămâne ascuțit mai mult timp. Fibrele lemnului sunt orientate în sus și alcătuiesc suprafața de tăiere și primesc lama mai bine decât marginea lungă a unei scânduri de lemn.

În plus, aceasta le conferă o proprietate de „auto-vindecare” , deoarece fibrele de lemn se închid după ce au fost tăiate de cuțit, ceea ce face placa mai durabilă. Drept urmare, cuțitele ascuțite nu lasă tăieturi durabile în lemn care s-ar umple rapid de bacterii, putrezind în cele din urmă din interior spre exterior. Acest lucru face ca plăcile de tăiat cu cereale să fie deosebit de sanitare. Lemnul e tare, nu?

Dimensiuni aproximative (L x l x H): 39 cm x 20 cm x 2 cm (15,3" x 7,8" x 0,8")*
Greutate aproximativă: 1 kg (2,2 lbs)
⚠️ Placa de tăiat nu fie spălată în mașina de spălat vase!

*Datorita naturii lucrate manual a acestor piese, pot exista usoare abateri de la dimensiunile enumerate.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larry Tamiyasu
Perfect small cutting board

I am replacing all of my inferior cutting boards with quality wooden boards, finally! This board is not only the right size and quality, being an endgrain board, it is also very beautiful! Win, win.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larry Tamiyasu
Perfect small cutting board

I am replacing all of my inferior cutting boards with quality wooden boards, finally! This board is not only the right size and quality, being an endgrain board, it is also very beautiful! Win, win.

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