SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
SharpEdge team wearing the exclusive SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat
SharpEdge team wearing the exclusive SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
SharpEdge exclusive merch: SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat Exclusive SharpEdge design of a brown sumo-fighting bear, armed with our ZDP-189 Bunka Black Japanese knife in collaboration with artist Vincent Trinidad. The bottom of the sturdy visor features the SharpEdge logo within a Japanese rising sun.
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
SharpEdge team wearing the exclusive SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat
SharpEdge team wearing the exclusive SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad Trucker Hat
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad
Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad


Căciulă de camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad


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EXCLUSIV SHARPEDGE: Căciulă camioner SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad

Povestea din spatele designului:

Aici, la SharpEdge, suntem pasionați de toate lucrurile japoneze.

Am vrut să combinăm unul dintre accesoriile noastre preferate—o pălărie de camioneta—cu un design unic inspirat din Japonia, exclusiv pentru SharpEdge.

Am dat peste artistul Vincent Trinidad . Stilul său inspirat din Japonia a rezonat cu adevărat la noi, așa că l-am contactat pentru a colabora.

El a făcut ca viziunea noastră despre un urs brun care luptă cu sumo să prindă viață în stilul său unic. Am ales ursul brun pentru că este un animal care se găsește atât în ​​Japonia, cât și în Slovenia (baza lui SharpEdge).

Ursul brun care luptă cu sumo a văzut câteva bătălii și își poartă cicatricile de luptă cu onoare. L-am înarmat cu cuțitul nostru japonez preferatexclusivul SharpEdge ZDP-189 Bunka Black 190 mm (7,5") .

Partea inferioară a vizierei robuste prezintă sigla SharpEdge într-un soare japonez care răsare, oferind un plus de lumină solară ori de câte ori porți pălăria.

Specificații pălărie:

Panoul frontal larg al pălăriei este realizat din bumbac de înaltă calitate, iar panourile din spate sunt realizate din plasă de poliester pentru o mai mare respirabilitate. O bandă rezistentă pentru transpirație ține pălăria la loc. Pălăria este de mărime unică – complet reglabilă la închiderea din spate.

Pune mâna pe Pălăria Trucker SharpEdge x Vincent Trinidad înainte să se epuizeze stocurile.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Waiter, there’s a hair in my bbq!

Hairy food no more, now able to cover my top with this cool cap. Bbq pumpkin and a beer and no hair anywhere.

Francisco Nunes
Good quality

Very good quality and comfort. Just have to mention that on my phone looks like the colours are more saturated then the real cap,which was a good surprise for me.

Davide Nocella
So funny!

Very happy design! Good material and very well made gadget!

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Waiter, there’s a hair in my bbq!

Hairy food no more, now able to cover my top with this cool cap. Bbq pumpkin and a beer and no hair anywhere.

Francisco Nunes
Good quality

Very good quality and comfort. Just have to mention that on my phone looks like the colours are more saturated then the real cap,which was a good surprise for me.

Davide Nocella
So funny!

Very happy design! Good material and very well made gadget!

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Ai la dispoziție 30 de zile pentru a-l returna, fără întrebări.

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