[SET] Strop 'N' Polish Pro_1


[SET] Strop 'N' Polski Pro

53,55€ 63,00€

Tylko 0 pozostało na magazynie


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Strop 'N' Polish [professional] to świetny zestaw upominkowy dla profesjonalnych i średnio zaawansowanych temperatorów.

Czterostronny skórzany pasek stosowany jest na samym końcu procesu ostrzenia w celu usunięcia resztek zadziorów z ostrza. Ten czterostronny skórzany stoper ma 2 zamszowe („grubsze”) strony i 2 gładkie („drobniejsze”) strony skóry. Pomysł jest taki, aby jedną skórę licową i jedną gładszą pozostawić „nagą”, bez żadnych środków polerskich, a dwie pozostałe wykorzystać do nałożenia past polerskich o różnej granulacji. Zasada stosowania czterostronnego skórzanego paska jest w zasadzie taka sama jak w przypadku kamieni do ostrzenia. Zaczynamy od grubszej skóry, a kończymy na delikatniejszej, gładszej skórze.

Pasta polerska Koyo (mniejszy kawałek) pomoże usunąć zadziory i nadać wysoki połysk świeżo naostrzonej krawędzi. Po prostu pocieraj zielonym blokiem powierzchnię skórzanego paska, aż skóra nabierze lekko zielonego koloru. 

Tutaj krótki filmik z naszego Instagrama jak nakładać pastę Koyo na skórzany pasek: Jak nakładać pastę polerską Koyo

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wei Tzeh Chong
Wrong Item Delivered

I received a wrong item from this company. I have been writing to them many times but no action taken after 1 week. Very disappointing.

Im very sorry for not answering sooner. We replied to you via email as well, here's what we sent:

Dear Chong,

Grega here from SharpEdge, thank you for your messages. I am very sorry that we haven't replied on time, this is not how we normally operate. I know it is very annoying when a company doesn't answer your emails.

I checked why this happened. Your first email went to spam, so we didn't see it. We received your second message on Dec 12, but due to the increased number of emails we received during this holiday period, we didn't get to it yet (as it was communicated via the auto-reply you received from us).

Let's get to the main issue - the wrongly sent item. I'm sorry for the mistake. Normally we would make an exchange of products, but in the meantime we sold out on the 4-sided leather strop. If you would still like to receive the set you ordered, we can let you know once we receive it back in stock.

For the wrong set you received, you are welcome to keep it free of charge as our apology for the late answer. I issued a refund for the Strop & Polish Pro set, you should receive it in the next few days.

Please let me know if this works for you, and if you'd like to be informed once we receive the Pro set back in stock.



Przewodnik dla początkujących dotyczący ostrzenia noży

Przewodnik ostrzenia noży

Jeśli dopiero zaczynasz przygodę z ostrzeniem noży, nie pomijaj naszego Przewodnika po ostrzeniu noży dla początkujących. Omówimy wszystkie podstawy i nauczymy Cię, jak prawidłowo naostrzyć nóż kuchenny.

Odkryj porady ekspertów, techniki i rekomendacje produktów w naszych postach na blogu poświęconym ostrzeniu, aby ostrzyć swoje noże jak profesjonalista!

Przeczytaj nasz blog dotyczący ostrzenia

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Wei Tzeh Chong
Wrong Item Delivered

I received a wrong item from this company. I have been writing to them many times but no action taken after 1 week. Very disappointing.

Im very sorry for not answering sooner. We replied to you via email as well, here's what we sent:

Dear Chong,

Grega here from SharpEdge, thank you for your messages. I am very sorry that we haven't replied on time, this is not how we normally operate. I know it is very annoying when a company doesn't answer your emails.

I checked why this happened. Your first email went to spam, so we didn't see it. We received your second message on Dec 12, but due to the increased number of emails we received during this holiday period, we didn't get to it yet (as it was communicated via the auto-reply you received from us).

Let's get to the main issue - the wrongly sent item. I'm sorry for the mistake. Normally we would make an exchange of products, but in the meantime we sold out on the 4-sided leather strop. If you would still like to receive the set you ordered, we can let you know once we receive it back in stock.

For the wrong set you received, you are welcome to keep it free of charge as our apology for the late answer. I issued a refund for the Strop & Polish Pro set, you should receive it in the next few days.

Please let me know if this works for you, and if you'd like to be informed once we receive the Pro set back in stock.


Ekspresowa wysyłka na cały świat

10€ stawka ryczałtowa z DHL Express.
Bezpłatnie przy zamówieniach powyżej 300€.

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Wszystkie ceny są ostateczne i zawierają podatek.

Łatwe zwroty

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