Kaneka Chopsticks 305mm (12.0")_1 Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks 305mm (12.0")_1 Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.
Kaneka Chopsticks are 305 mm long, made of stainless steel, the handle is made of magnolia and buffalo horn. They are extremely widespread and popular among Japanese professional chefs, where they are indispensable in baking tempura, as they can be used safely and comfortably over a hot stove due to their length.


Bețișoare Kaneka 305 mm (12,0")


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Bețișoarele sunt, fără îndoială, cele mai importante ustensile de bucătărie din Japonia și din alte părți ale Asiei de Est. Cele scurte sunt folosite pentru a mânca, iar cele lungi pentru gătit, servire, decorare și în diferite procese de grătar și prăjire în mod similar cu penseta este folosită în bucătăria occidentală. Sunt extrem de răspândite și populare printre bucătarii profesioniști japonezi, unde sunt indispensabile în coacerea tempura, deoarece pot fi folosite în siguranță și confortabil peste o sobă încinsă datorită lungimii lor.

Bețișoarele Kaneka au lungimea de 305 mm, sunt din oțel inoxidabil, mânerul este din magnolie și corn de bivoliță.

Bețe de oțel sau de bambus? Prima alegere a bucătarilor japonezi este oțelul, deoarece bambusul poate obține un miros neplăcut după utilizare. Pe lângă motive de igienă, betisoarele din oțel au și avantajul de a avea un vârf mai ascuțit care poate fi folosit pentru înțepare și ajută și la prăjirea cărnii.

Material: oțel inoxidabil, corn de bivoliță și lemn de magnolie
Dimensiuni: tijă de oțel - 305 mm (12,0"), mâner - 140 mm (5,5")

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nicola Quintavalle
Kaneka Chopsticks 305mm

Excellent product, fast delivery, professional seller!

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Nicola Quintavalle
Kaneka Chopsticks 305mm

Excellent product, fast delivery, professional seller!

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