Atoma Diamond Replacement Plate - #140_1  Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with #140 grit is a very rough diamond plate, suitable for flattening sharpening whetstones and repairing damaged blades. It removes material very quickly (both from whetstones and knives), and works very well with all types of steel.
Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with granulation #600 grit is a standard diamond plate for sharpening blades, which should be followed by higher granulations. A diamond stone is a great alternative for anyone who likes to save time on sharpening, as it removes material very quickly.
Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with granulation #600 grit is a standard diamond plate for sharpening blades, which should be followed by higher granulations. A diamond stone is a great alternative for anyone who likes to save time on sharpening, as it removes material very quickly.
Atoma Diamond Replacement Plate - #140_1  Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with #140 grit is a very rough diamond plate, suitable for flattening sharpening whetstones and repairing damaged blades. It removes material very quickly (both from whetstones and knives), and works very well with all types of steel.
Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with granulation #600 grit is a standard diamond plate for sharpening blades, which should be followed by higher granulations. A diamond stone is a great alternative for anyone who likes to save time on sharpening, as it removes material very quickly.
Atoma Diamond sharpening stone from Japanese manufacturer Tsuboman with granulation #600 grit is a standard diamond plate for sharpening blades, which should be followed by higher granulations. A diamond stone is a great alternative for anyone who likes to save time on sharpening, as it removes material very quickly.


Placă de înlocuire Atoma Diamond - #140

68,00€ 85,00€

Doar 0 rămas în stoc

✔︎ No import fees & duties - worldwide
✔︎ All taxes included
✔︎ Express worldwide shipping
✔︎ 30-day return policy

Destinat să înlocuiască suprafața superioară a pietrei de ascuțit Atom Diamond - #1 40.

Odată cu utilizarea, piatra de ascuțit cu diamant devine uzată și mai fină. Atunci când suprafața de diamant este uzată într-o asemenea măsură încât nu-și mai servește scopul, placa de sus poate fi înlocuită cu o placă de diamant de înlocuire care este lipită de baza de aluminiu.

Partea din spate a plăcii are un adeziv cu două fețe care o face rapid și ușor de înlocuit. Placa este realizată din oțel inoxidabil cu grosimea de 1 mm. Împreună cu baza și banda adezivă, placa măsoară 1,5 mm. Fiți precis și acordați o atenție deosebită atunci când aplicați placa de înlocuire pe baza de aluminiu, este important ca placa de înlocuire să se așeze plat și drept pe bază.

Nu recomandăm utilizarea plăcii de schimb fără baza de aluminiu.

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