Wooden Saya Petty [knife sheath] - 150mm (5.9")_1
Wooden Saya Petty [knife sheath] - 150mm (5.9")_1


Saya Petty Wide din lemn [knife sheath] - 150 mm (5,9")


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Saya, o teacă de cuțit din lemn protejează cuțitul și utilizatorul acestuia de daune și răni. De asemenea, menține cuțitul ascuțit și îl face mai ușor de transportat. Acul de siguranță din lemn împiedică căderea cuțitului. Saya este fabricat din lemn de fag, un lemn ferm, dar încă suficient de moale, făcându-l mai durabil și mai rezistent decât orice teacă de piele.

Saya din lemn lucrat manual este realizat pentru cutitele Petty , potrivite pentru lame de pana la 150 mm (5,9") in lungime, pana la 39 mm (1,5") in latime si cu o grosime de pana la 3,5 mm (0,14").

PS: Am făcut orificiul pentru acul de siguranță cam de aceeași dimensiune cu lățimea bețișoarelor obișnuite din lemn (știi, acelea ieftine pe care le iei la pachet). În cazul în care pierzi acul de siguranță, poți scurta cu ușurință betisa de lemn și o poți folosi ca înlocuitor.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Very nice!

I use this one with my ZDP-189 PETTY BLACK 135MM (5.3") very useful to take with me. The blade is protected and secured.

Antonio Pignataro
Saya Petty

Five stars beautiful

Kendal Bruton
Petty knife saya

It was ok, granted idk much about what it should be but it seemed a little loose. Like I said idk if there is a reason it's supposed to be like that but that's my opinion

Hi Kendal, thanks for your review and for your purchase.. Indeed, wooden sayas shouldn't have a very snug fit, the blade should move slightly inside it. If it were a tight fit, every time you would insert the blade inside, or pull it out, you would slightly dull the edge because it would be sliding against the inside of the saya. That's why the blade moves a bit inside the wooden saya.

On the other hand, leather sayas can have a tighter fit because leather is softer and more gentle to the edge.

I hope the saya and the knives will serve you well for many years!
Best, Grega from SharpEdge

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Very nice!

I use this one with my ZDP-189 PETTY BLACK 135MM (5.3") very useful to take with me. The blade is protected and secured.

Antonio Pignataro
Saya Petty

Five stars beautiful

Kendal Bruton
Petty knife saya

It was ok, granted idk much about what it should be but it seemed a little loose. Like I said idk if there is a reason it's supposed to be like that but that's my opinion

Hi Kendal, thanks for your review and for your purchase.. Indeed, wooden sayas shouldn't have a very snug fit, the blade should move slightly inside it. If it were a tight fit, every time you would insert the blade inside, or pull it out, you would slightly dull the edge because it would be sliding against the inside of the saya. That's why the blade moves a bit inside the wooden saya.

On the other hand, leather sayas can have a tighter fit because leather is softer and more gentle to the edge.

I hope the saya and the knives will serve you well for many years!
Best, Grega from SharpEdge

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