Wooden Saya Santoku [knife sheath] - 190mm (7.5")_1
Wooden Saya Santoku [knife sheath] - 190mm (7.5")_1


Saya Santoku din lemn [knife sheath] - 190 mm (7,5")


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Saya, o teacă de cuțit din lemn protejează cuțitul și utilizatorul acestuia de daune și răni. De asemenea, menține cuțitul ascuțit și îl face mai ușor de transportat. Acul de siguranță din lemn împiedică căderea cuțitului. Saya este fabricat din lemn de fag, un lemn ferm, dar încă suficient de moale, făcându-l mai durabil și mai rezistent decât orice teacă de piele.

Saya din lemn lucrat manual se va potrivi pe cuțite Santoku cu dimensiuni de 150-190 mm (5,9"-7,5") în lungime, până la 50 mm (2,0") în lățime și cu o grosime la coloana vertebrală de până la 3,5 mm (0,14") .

PS: Am făcut orificiul pentru acul de siguranță cam de aceeași dimensiune cu lățimea bețișoarelor obișnuite din lemn (știi, acelea ieftine pe care le iei la pachet). În cazul în care pierzi acul de siguranță, poți scurta cu ușurință betisa de lemn și o poți folosi ca înlocuitor.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good Saya. A couple of issues, though

I was looking for a 165mm santoku Saya, but there wasn’t and option. When I read the description it stated that the Saya could fit santokus from 150-190mm so I had bought it. I didn’t realize it would be as loose as it is, as the Saya has a lot of wiggle room. While I do think it is beautiful, I do worry about how loosely it fits and possibly hit or unintentionally damaging the blade.

Thanks for your review, Greg. Indeed, our saya has a slightly looser fit on smaller blades. I tried it on a few of the 165mm santokus we have in our shop, and there is a small wiggle, but nothing out of the ordinary. There should be a slightly loose fit on wooden sayas, otherwise the blade hits the edge of the saya every time you insert the blade or pull it out. This will dull the blade, so the looser fit is there by design.

If you can send us a video of how loose it is, it will be easier for us to help you out. In the end, it all comes down to the width of the blade on your santoku. It could be you have a narrower model or have a used knife that's been sharpened a few times which would make the blade narrower and thus a looser fit.


Nickie Rodger
Saya Santoku [knife sheath] - 190mm (7.5")

This sheath is nice and light. Though a tiny bit big for my knife it definitely works well. My only worry is that I may lose the little wooden peg that holds the knife inside, if it does happen I believe a cut down golf tee would fit perfectly. I am going to have an artist friend of mine paint a picture on the outside to make it totally mine!! Worth the extra purchase and if do it again. I only gave it 4 stars because my knife is a little bit small for the sheath:) I love it other than that!!

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Good Saya. A couple of issues, though

I was looking for a 165mm santoku Saya, but there wasn’t and option. When I read the description it stated that the Saya could fit santokus from 150-190mm so I had bought it. I didn’t realize it would be as loose as it is, as the Saya has a lot of wiggle room. While I do think it is beautiful, I do worry about how loosely it fits and possibly hit or unintentionally damaging the blade.

Thanks for your review, Greg. Indeed, our saya has a slightly looser fit on smaller blades. I tried it on a few of the 165mm santokus we have in our shop, and there is a small wiggle, but nothing out of the ordinary. There should be a slightly loose fit on wooden sayas, otherwise the blade hits the edge of the saya every time you insert the blade or pull it out. This will dull the blade, so the looser fit is there by design.

If you can send us a video of how loose it is, it will be easier for us to help you out. In the end, it all comes down to the width of the blade on your santoku. It could be you have a narrower model or have a used knife that's been sharpened a few times which would make the blade narrower and thus a looser fit.


Nickie Rodger
Saya Santoku [knife sheath] - 190mm (7.5")

This sheath is nice and light. Though a tiny bit big for my knife it definitely works well. My only worry is that I may lose the little wooden peg that holds the knife inside, if it does happen I believe a cut down golf tee would fit perfectly. I am going to have an artist friend of mine paint a picture on the outside to make it totally mine!! Worth the extra purchase and if do it again. I only gave it 4 stars because my knife is a little bit small for the sheath:) I love it other than that!!

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