Gravura textului pe lamă [service]


Gravura textului pe lamă [service]


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Text Engraving este un serviciu de gravare disponibil pe paginile de produse ale cuțitelor noastre. 6 fonturi preselectate sunt disponibile pentru a alege.

După ce primim comanda dvs., vă vom trimite prin e-mail o previzualizare a gravurii dvs. cu locația și dimensiunea textului dvs. în fontul pe care l-ați selectat. Avem nevoie de 1-2 zile lucrătoare pentru a pregăti previzualizarea. Este posibil să ajustați dimensiunea și locația dacă este necesar. Când primim confirmarea dvs., este nevoie de 2 zile lucrătoare pentru a vă grava cuțitul.

Gravarea textului este posibilă doar pe o parte a lamei. Pentru o gravură complet personalizată , adăugați produsul de gravură personalizată în coșul dvs. lângă cuțitul pe care doriți să-l gravați.

☝️ Vă rugăm să rețineți că cuțitele gravate nu sunt eligibile pentru retur deoarece sunt articole personalizate.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Ivaylo Blagov
Great quality

The engram service is highly recommendable if you want to personalize a knife. I did one Mac from their kids line for my daughter and the result is excellent. The text is easy to read, without being too deep to hold food particles. The positioning is exactly where I requested and the selected font size is perfect.
As a recommendation, maybe a text box should appear during purchase, whenever this service is selected, so the buyer can specify the positioning right there and then.

Hi Ivaylo,

Thank you for taking the time and writing us a review.

We agree it would be ideal that the customers could place the engraving themselves. But that takes some additional preparation of the knife photos and also finding the right software to support that. But we will get there!

If you have any questions in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All the best,

Michael Cather

It was a big hit! Great job. The knife was excellent…will be ordering again soon

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Ivaylo Blagov
Great quality

The engram service is highly recommendable if you want to personalize a knife. I did one Mac from their kids line for my daughter and the result is excellent. The text is easy to read, without being too deep to hold food particles. The positioning is exactly where I requested and the selected font size is perfect.
As a recommendation, maybe a text box should appear during purchase, whenever this service is selected, so the buyer can specify the positioning right there and then.

Hi Ivaylo,

Thank you for taking the time and writing us a review.

We agree it would be ideal that the customers could place the engraving themselves. But that takes some additional preparation of the knife photos and also finding the right software to support that. But we will get there!

If you have any questions in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us.

All the best,

Michael Cather

It was a big hit! Great job. The knife was excellent…will be ordering again soon

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