This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.
This handcrafted end grain cutting board is composed of various wood types. With the working surface of approximately 39x20cm (15.3" x 7.8") it is just the right size to fit onto any countertop, either at home or in a professional kitchen. End grain cutting boards are durable and help keep your knife sharper for longer.

Jure Gros

Deska do krojenia końcowego ziarna [Multi-Wood]


Tylko 0 pozostało na magazynie

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Te deski do krojenia z końcowym licem (lub bloki rzeźnicze) są wykonane ręcznie dla nas przez lokalnego słoweńskiego stolarza J. Gros. Ta pięknie wykonana deska do krojenia składa się z różnych rodzajów drewna. Ponieważ jest całkowicie ręcznie wykonana, każda deska do krojenia ma nieco inny, niepowtarzalny wzór.

Dzięki powierzchni roboczej o wymiarach około 39 x 20 cm (15,3 x 7,8 cala) jest to odpowiedni rozmiar, aby zmieścić się na każdym blacie, zarówno w domu, jak i w profesjonalnej kuchni, i jest szczególnie przydatny, gdy mamy ograniczoną powierzchnię roboczą.

Jest dodatkowo impregnowany naturalnym olejem mineralnym , który może być bezpiecznie stosowany w kontakcie z żywnością. Zalecamy regularną konserwację olejem, który możesz kupić tutaj . Dzięki temu deska posłuży Ci przez wiele lat.

O co tyle szumu wokół desek do krojenia z end grain? A co najważniejsze, Twoje noże to docenią. W porównaniu do desek z drewna licowego, deski do krojenia z licem końcowym sąłagodniejsze dla krawędzi noża, co oznacza, że ​​nóż dłużej pozostanie ostry. Włókna drewna są skierowane do góry i tworzą powierzchnię cięcia i lepiej przyjmują ostrze niż długa krawędź drewnianej deski.

Dodatkowo ma to  właściwość „samoleczenia” , ponieważ włókna drewna zamykają się po przecięciu nożem, co sprawia, że ​​deska jest trwalsza. Dzięki temu ostre noże nie pozostawiają trwałych nacięć w drewnie, które szybko wypełniłyby się bakteriami i ostatecznie gniły od środka. Dzięki temu deski do krojenia z końcami włókien są szczególnie higieniczne. Drewno jest fajne, prawda?

Przybliżone wymiary (dł. x szer. x wys.): 39 cm x 20 cm x 2 cm (15,3 cala x 7,8 cala x 0,8 cala*
Przybliżona waga: 1 kg (2,2 funta)
⚠️ Deski do krojenia nie należy myć w zmywarce!

* Ze względu na ręczne wykonanie tych elementów mogą występować niewielkie odchylenia od podanych wymiarów.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larry Tamiyasu
Perfect small cutting board

I am replacing all of my inferior cutting boards with quality wooden boards, finally! This board is not only the right size and quality, being an endgrain board, it is also very beautiful! Win, win.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Larry Tamiyasu
Perfect small cutting board

I am replacing all of my inferior cutting boards with quality wooden boards, finally! This board is not only the right size and quality, being an endgrain board, it is also very beautiful! Win, win.

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