Bunka. Tăiați. Repeta.

Silhouettea îndrăzneață a acestei lame este instantaneu recognoscibilă - aceasta este bunka, cuțitul japonez multifuncțional renumit pentru precizie, utilizare versatilă și vârful său unghiular distinctiv.

Descoperiți cuțitele versatile Bunka din colecția noastră. 20% REDUCERE la selectarea cuțitelor bunka - doar până pe 26 IAN. Cuțitul dumneavoastră preferat vă așteaptă.

Bunka is a Japanese kitchen knife, used in home–as well as professional–kitchens, as a multi-purpose knife for preparing meat, fish, and vegetables. In Japanese, bunka 文化 directly translates to 'culture'. This term carries significant importance in the culinary world of Japan, and Bunka Bōchō stands as an important milestone between a rich heritage and deeply rooted traditions and the inevitable force of progress and intercultural influence that have shaped the modern art of Japanese cooking. The bold silhouette of its blade is instantly recognizable, especially in the reverse-tanto (or K-tip) tip which is a nod to the mighty katana.

Its pronounced reverse tanto K-tip allows for piercing and precise, delicate work, making it great for chopping veggies, preparing all kinds of meat and raw fish, and finer techniques such as chopping garlic, dicing, or julienne. Suitable for any cutting, chopping, or slicing assignment you throw at it!